Lighten up NOW!

For a Lighter , Brighter You!

Hypnosis Can Help You Succeed When Nothing Else Has Worked-

Every day we help people quit unhealthy habits, stop unwanted behaviors, improve low mood, and reduce anxiety & stress — faster than they ever thought possible.

Are You Feeling Frustrated About Getting Stuck In The Same Old Habits & Behaviors? Would Like A Way Out?

It’s painful to get caught in a cycle of guilt, shame and frustration after you’ve once again caved into to feeding your unwanted habit or behavior.  You find yourself feeling lost about how to stop and overcome it once and for all.

You can hold deep values about self-love, self-respect and self-honesty, yet still  find yourself in a vicious, frustrating cycle of “being good”, and then punishing yourself for “being bad”.  This happened even though you vowed things would be different than your last episode.

Getting Your Life Back Is Possible. It Can Happen Faster & Easier Than You Ever Imagined!

Hi, I’m Mark Smith,  Consulting Clinical Hypnotist and owner of New Lite Hypnosis.  We use the most effective and advanced hypnosis techniques available today.  This ensures your highest success possible.

Working with one of our compassionate, certified consulting hypnotists you will make rapid progress transforming the subconscious emotional drivers of your specific issue(s). Using our techniques integrates new, healthy, and empowering, positive habits and perspectives so you can begin feeling better today.

You can lose weight, transform unhealthy habits, end addictions, conquer fears & phobias, reduce anxiety & stress, and heal past painful experiences.  This can happen faster & easier than you ever thought possible.

Would You Like The Opportunity To See How Hypnosis Can Help You?  Start With A Complimentary 30 Minute Consultation

You’re taking a courageous, and important, step right now by seeking expert help to overcome your issue(s).  We would like to honor that with a complimentary consultation.

During your 30 minute visit, we will confidentially discuss your important reasons for wanting to overcome your issue now.  We will also answer your specific questions about how hypnosis can help you:

Meet Mark

Hi, and welcome! I’m Mark Smith, CH.

I specialize in helping you feel better quickly. Whether you’re trying to quit your unwanted habits, addictions and behaviors fast, or trying to create or improve on good habits and behaviors to improve your everyday life.

Get past your past for good — and start living the life you want!  

Good choice! If you have questions about the process or about specific issues that you may wonder if hypnosis may be effective for you, this is a good place to ask… 

What ever your issue(s), we look forward to helping you! 

We are excited to see how well and in what ways your improvements will be!  

Free Consultation

Schedule your personal, completely free, no obligation, completely confidential consultation NOW to explore together how we can begin to help you today.

What Do YOU Have To Lose?

Schedule now & start feeling better today!

Explore the world of Hypnosis

And see how you can begin to enjoy the many benefits for yourself!


“Not only does the unconscious self preside over the functions of our organism, but also over all our actions whatever they are. It is this that we call imagination, and it is this which, contrary to accepted opinion, always makes us act even, and above all, against our will when there is antagonism between these two forces.

– Coue, Emile. SELF MASTERY through conscious autosuggestion (Illustrated) . Kindle Edition

Disclaimer: Your Results May Vary. Hypnosis Results Will Vary From Person To Person. No Individual Result Should Be Seen As Typical.